Accueil » WP6 - Legal and administrative framework
The University of Applied Sciences of Kehl is responsible for the legal and administrative aspects of the project. This legal support for the project extends throughout its duration. The law concerning self-consumption and energy is very complex and undergoes numerous changes. In order to allow the ASIMUTE project to develop, it is necessary, on one hand, to identify the applicable law in each country, the legal frameworks, and obstacles specific to them, and then to analyze the legal possibilities for cross-border cooperation or propose solutions if they do not yet exist.
The legislative framework for energy, from its production to its storage, consumption, and transportation, is very dynamic and constantly evolving. The European Union plays a predominant and major role in energy policies and legislation in France and Germany. This is particularly evident with the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III), which has just been modified and which these two countries must incorporate into their domestic law. Although Switzerland is not part of the European Union, commercial exchanges and cross-border cooperation require it to take into account the legal framework of the European Union. Therefore, the aim of our work will initially be to identify legal issues and current legal solutions. This involves an analysis of the existing law in Germany, France, and Switzerland. Subsequently, we will seek to develop legal solutions to harmonize systems and promote better cooperation among partners. Additionally, we are available to other partners to address any questions they encounter throughout the project.
To achieve this, we begin with scientific research in specialized literature. In order to maintain a practical aspect and illustrate our points, we will look for existing projects in each of the participating countries to interview the actors and creators of these projects. Following this, we will write reports as described in the work plan.
The legal analysis we aim to deliver to serve a concrete project is in total synergy and symbiosis with the other work packages, as it aims to address the legal questions raised by the practical aspects of the project.
Hochschule Kehl
Kinzigallee 1
77694 Kehl
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